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Frontex acknowledges Greek RABIT request

Frontex has granted the request of the Greek government for the deployment of the Rapid Border Intervention Teams in the Evros border.

From their press release (25th of October 2010):

“The situation in Greece is very serious. Acting on the basis of the Regulation 863/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council, I have decided that Frontex will provide assistance to the Greek border authorities by deploying adequate number and composition of Rapid Border Intervention Teams. Once deployed they will be operating under the command and control of the Greek authorities” stated Frontex Executive Director Ilkka Laitinen.

“A team of Frontex staff is on its way to the Greek/Turkish land border to assess the situation in view of Minister Papoutsis’ request. We will decide how many officers and what kind of technical means will be needed to effectively assist the Greek authorities in strengthening this external EU border and act swiftly to provide the assistance that this Member State has requested. We will take immediate action of reorganising experts and assets being present in the area within the framework of Poseidon Joint Operation coordinated by Frontex” – he added.

There is a second press release of 26th October 2010:

Staff from the newly-opened Frontex Operational Office based in Piraeus have already arrived at the Greek-Turkish border to make an initial assessment of requirements. Frontex has contacted all Member States and Schengen Associate Countries to check the availability of the officers and is waiting for reply.

Frontex has also today sent an additional group of operational and analytical experts from its Warsaw HQ to Greece in order to begin development of an operational plan. The operational plan includes a detailed risk analysis, as well as defining the number and expertise of the officers to be deployed, length of the operation, and the type and amount of technical equipment necessary cover operational needs.