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No Border Camp in Bulgaria: 25th to 29th of August 2011

From 25th to 29th of August 2011 a Nobordercamp will take place in the borderregion between Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey.

Protest in front of detention centre in Busmantzi (close to Sofia)

Following the EU eastward expansion, countries like Bulgaria and Romania are progressively cracking down on those that try to cross their borders and rampantly working against freedom of movement. The Bulgarian government’s current target date for joining the Schengen agreement is 2012. The border control between Bulgaria and Turkey is cited as the biggest problem Bulgaria is faced with in order for the country to join Schengen. Following the participation of Bulgarian border police in FRONTEX operations along the Greek-Turkish border, there is talk of extending the agency’s operations to the border between Bulgaria and Turkey.

EU-financed detention centre in Lyubimetz in southern Bulgaria

These developments, together with the deterioration of the migrants’ situation in neighboring Greece, are the two immediate reasons for organizing a No Border camp at the border between Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey in the coming summer. The camp will run from the 25th August until the 29th of August 2011.

More information:

Noborder-Bulgaria-Blogs: http://www.noborderbulgaria.org/ and http://noborderbulgaria.wordpress.com/

Bulgaria Nobordercamp 2011: Political Demands and Clarifications (text written by the Bulgarian preparation group with a lot of useful background-information)

Some more information in German language you’ll find in this booklet: How-to-Bulgaria (PDF-file)